DRUMTeam Building, i.e. the integration of the employee team to the beat of the drums. We offer special, proprietary drum workshops, which can be an attraction at an integration trip, conference, gala or other event in the life of the company. We have prepared four different workshop programs to choose from: drum workshops, body percussion workshops, drum and dance workshops, African dance workshops. In addition to the workshops, we also offer an African dance show and animation.
DRUMTeam Building, i.e. the integration of the employee team to the beat of the drums. We offer special, proprietary drum workshops, which can be an attraction at an integration trip, conference, gala or other event in the life of the company. We have prepared four different workshop programs to choose from: drum workshops, body percussion workshops, drum and dance workshops, African dance workshops. In addition to the workshops, we also offer an African dance show and animation.

Drums like a magnet, wherever they appear, they always attract crowds of people who want to try their hand. Having noticed this regularity, we decided to introduce drumming workshops for organized groups to our offer. The workshop begins with a simple rhythm game, then we show the basics of the technique and teach simple, easily digestible, yet attractive rhythms. The workshop ends with a joint performance of a short arrangement. The drumming workshops are conducted in one room or in an open space. We have the number of instruments for groups of up to 50 people.
The joy of making music
Everyone, no matter what their skills
and musical experience, can take part in workshops and enjoy
from communing with the rhythm and creating music. The workshops have been designed in such a way that people who have contact with instruments and dance for the first time in their life can feel that they have learned something and have managed to create something. Creative experiences increase self-confidence and raise the morale of the group.
Learning to cooperate
In our workshops, participants learn to work in a joint music band. This requires them to listen to each other, be in tune with each other and adjust to the rest of the group. Here, each participant is equally important. They all play together, in one rhythm, creating a unique musical work. The aim of the workshop is to correctly perform a joint piece. This can only be done by a fully cooperating team.
Deepening the relationship
inside the team i conflict resolution
Our workshops are primarily about having fun together, detached from the daily affairs of the company. It is a great opportunity to get to know each other better and integrate the group. Closed ties pay off in joint work
Participation in a rhythmic ensemble effectively eliminates the destructive spirit of competition and extreme individualism. When playing together, previous tensions and misunderstandings disappear, to understand this, you have to experience it.
Relaxationand de-stress
Body Percussion, plays the drums
and African dance are forms of active liberating meditation
from stress. These activities allow
to discharge accumulated frustration and purge negative emotions. They release trapped and suppressed creative energy. They allow you to experience genuine joy and freedom
and affirmation of life.
We offer a drumming workshop combined with an African dance workshop. The workshop scenario provides for the division of the group into two sub-groups. One band learns a simple arrangement played on drums and percussion instruments. At the same time, the second group learns the dance routine that has been prepared in advance and adapted to the arrangement on the drums. After both teams have learned to play and dance, the workshop finale takes place, i.e. they perform the piece together. The implementation requires two rooms or two separate spaces. Duration of the workshop 40-60 minutes.

We also offer animation, show or a full-scale African dance workshop with live instruments accompaniment. African dance is a very spontaneous and natural form of movement. Many steps in this dance were born out of imitating the activities of everyday life, or the desire to emphasize the values and characteristics of the dancing sex, such as male strength, agility, speed and agility of young girls, sex appeal and gentleness of young women, or the dignity and elegance of older women. Learning this dance is also learning African folklore and rhythms. The energy and joy that come from the unrestrained movements danced to the rhythm of trance music of the drums have made this dance more and more popular in Europe and around the world. For several years now, not only the indigenous people of Africa have been dancing it, but also people of all origins who want to get to the sources of contemporary dances.